
    £30,000 worth of illicit tobacco, cigarettes seized in Lincolnshire

    Image by Lincolnshire Police

    A man has been arrested and £30,000 of illicit tobacco and cigarettes were seized following a joint operation by Lincolnshire Police and Lincolnshire County Council on Tuesday (17).

    According to Lincolnshire Police, a shop on Horncastle Road in Lincolnshire’s Boston was searched, and illicit cigarettes and tobacco were found hidden in soft drinks cases.

    The team searched another shop on Commercial Road, Spalding where two hides were located- one behind the till, and the other one on the floor, operated electronically using a key fob.

    £30,000 worth of illicit tobacco, cigarettes seized in Lincolnshire
    Image by Lincolnshire Police

    Andy Wright, Principal Trading Standards Officer at Lincolnshire County Council said, “These are professional suppliers using convenience shops as a front to cover what is their main business: the sale of illegal cigarettes. They operate on a national basis with vast amounts of the money they make disappearing abroad.”

    Sergeant Ian Cotton of Lincolnshire Police added, “These illicit cigarettes can be dangerous to health, and the profits can be used to fund other sorts of crimes such as people trafficking and modern slavery. We’ll continue to support Trading Standards in their efforts to clamp down on this illicit trade throughout our county.”


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