
    Sale of illicit tobacco and cigarettes in Hull rose during pandemic

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    The pandemic has seen a spike in the numbers of people involved in selling illegal tobacco and cigarettes in Hull, the city council has said.

    According to local reports, over 95,000 illegal products have been seized- whether smuggled, stolen or counterfeit. 

    Among the illegal products, there were about 18,000 packets of smuggled tobacco worth around £216,000. The total amount seized in 2021 (January to December) was 70,7400 illegal cigarettes and 24,289 packs of tobacco.

    Chris Wilson, City Trading Standards Manager, said: “During the pandemic, the number of premises involved in the sale of illicit tobacco and cigarettes in Hull rose significantly.

    “This may have been caused by an increase in consumer demand, with home working, limited household incomes and people being furloughed leading to people smoking more and seeking cheaper tobacco products.”

    It was reported in November how a shopkeeper at Hull’s Beverley Road Mini Market was operating a secret chute at his premises where illegal cigarettes could be dropped down to him from the huge numbers of packets stashed in a flat above.

    “Our team had a number of successes over the year, including the operation in December.

    “Evidence obtained during the investigation of this case showed the stock was intended to supply shops around the city; a clear indication of organised crime.

    “We have also had successful enforcement actions against local retailers selling illegal cigarettes. Many of these rogue traders have resorted to hiding illegal stocks away from their shops, including storing it in a separate flat above the shop and feeding the goods through to the shop via a concealed chute.”

    In December 2021 alone, an intelligence-led operation by Humberside Police and Hull City Council’s Trading Standards seized illegal goods worth £468,320.

    Throughout 2021, there were also 15 prosecutions for breaches of trademark and labelling, resulting in fines of £15,552.

    Two individuals received suspended prison sentences and three were given Community Punishment Orders. A total of 57 warning letters – the majority for cigarette or tobacco infringements – were also issued.


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