Nutella, made by Ferrero, is launching a new TV advert ahead of Pancake Day 2021, airing from 5 February for two weeks. As the number-one spread at Pancake Day, the advert is set to put Nutella at the front of shoppers’ minds in the lead up to Shrove Tuesday, which lands on 16 February this year. Carrying the tagline “Pancakes love Nutella”, the ad hopes to drive footfall and sales for retailers. As part of its wider national marketing campaign, Nutella is also being supported through a new radio spot with national channels.
The campaign shows a family making and enjoying pancakes together, while encouraging people to add a “sprinkle of happiness and a pinch of fun” to the day. Highlighting the product’s versatility, the advert’s end frame also points shoppers to the brand’s recipe hub for more inspiration. By providing recipe ideas, which all use a 15g portion of the spread, for all year-round occasions, the brand is helping to inspire shoppers to use the spread in different ways. Home baking has been a key driver of growth for Nutella throughout 2020, as more households have experimented in the kitchen, which has led to an increase of 624,000 new customers.
“Pancake Day last year proved to be very successful for us, with Nutella adding the most value to the category with sales of over £6.2m, alongside experiencing growth of +9.6 oer cent year on year,” said Levi Boorer, Customer Development Director at Ferrero. “Our new marketing campaign focusses on building on this momentum and cementing our position as a top choice for Pancake Day, providing shoppers with that tasty touch of Nutella to mark the occasion.
“We recommend retailers to stock the 350g jar – as 73 per cent of Nutella sales are through this format at this time of year – making it widely available so people can easily pick it up. It’s also important that retailers keep their displays replenished to make the most of last-minute purchases, as 22 per cent of total Nutella sales take place on Pancake Day itself.”
Ferrero’s top tips for Pancake Day:
- Point of sale and secondary sitings are key in attracting interest. Installing a dedicated Pancake Day display helps the shopper engage with the occasion
- Where space allows, have displays at the front of store, ensure Nutella stands out at fixture and is available through any online ordering services or local delivery apps you are using
- Stock Nutella and other toppings alongside eggs, flour and mixes to give shoppers everything they need in one place
- Ensure the date of 16 February is firmly in your shoppers’ minds by promoting any offers relating to the occasion on social media and in conversations in store